So, awhile back a bikini pic of Xiaxue was posted and I complained it was too hard as hell to find bikini pics of Singaporean model Kay Kay. Especially too hard for a damn model, she should have a ton. A few days later someone sent these pictures to taken from of Kay Kay and her friend Xiaxue vacationing. The pics are not that bad if on the small side but that giant tattoo on Kay Kay's lower torso probably wasn't her brightest idea as a model. She look her best in the second picture below with the tat covered wearing some short shorts. Totally bangable... Cute girl but god awful tattoo, but I do think all tattoos are awful so nothing against her tattoo in particular.
What is it a tattoo of anyway? It seems like a bear similar to the one on the California state flag or a huge cobra however I can't really tell for shit. Someone need to find the tattoo artist who did it and break his fingers one by one. As a matter of fact, someone should probably do the same for all tattoo artists because I hate tats so badly. Anyway, just visited Xiaxue's blog and she is blonder than ever. Singapore's very own blonde bombshell. LOL... It would be kinda interesting if she made the rag to match the curtain. Anyway, I hope this doesn't catch on, there are enough fake white blondes. The last thing the world need is Asian chick's going down the fake blonde root too. Click on pictures to enlarge.

Remember that girl I mention in March when I first said I was looking for bikini pics of Kay Kay? Back in March I said about three (six now) months ago I spent (wasted) like 45 minutes looking for any bikini shoots of Kay Kay and got nothing. Well not nothing, discovered another cute Singaporean girl in the search. And she is a super cutie, But at the time didn't know her name but had a pic of her saved somewhere standing with Kaykay and a few friend in a club or at a party. Well here is the picture of her wearing a black skirt and a bluish-green top standing next to Kay Kay's right side with a big smile of her face:

Digitally enlarged so we are clear which one we are talking about here:
Her name is Malissa, she is also from Singapore and she look fucking awesome. I only have this one picture of her so I don't really know if she is this cute or this is just a one off lucky picture of her looking really hot. You know, the one in a million kind of picture that everything came together just right to make a chick that is about 4 or 5 look like she is a 9. Hopefully thats not the case because it would be a damn shame. I want this Malissa to be everything she appear to be in the pic, sexy and pretty. She totally stole the picture standing next to 5 other girls and with Kay Kay right next to her. Hopefully she doesn't also have a tattoo hidden somewhere.
Yan Kay Kay also known as Yan Qihua (27 year-old) is a Singaporean model. She is a friend of blogger Wendy Cheng and often appear on her friend 's blog.
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