Who love sex on the job? Here is a video of Police Chief Timothy Escola and Deputy Janine England kissing and caressing in a cop car. Perry County, Ohio Township Police Chief Timothy Escola, had a long drive from Cincinnati, back to Perry, with a suspect in the backseat...but wait, along for the ride was a female officer under his command Janine England. And somehow the two forgot there was a dash cam recording their every intimate detail. Because Chief Escola is a married man however Janine is not his wife. Some are saying it was a set up to leak the video from the start to get the chief and some believe his lady friend was in on it. But that is doubtful because she is also married but not to the chief.

An attorney for the former chief suggested the cruiser camera may have been rigged to set him up, but township officials dispute that claim. I think the suspect in the backseat the night the video was recorded tip off the department. But I don't know why that camera would be on if it wasn't some kind of set up. The video has created a full blown scandal in small town Perry, Ohio. Count on 2 News report:
Timothy Escola’s days as Perry Township, Ohio Police Chief are officially over. The veteran police officer with 36 years experience resigned abruptly on Monday.
The resignation came shortly after a police dash cam video tape showed Escola getting intimate with a young female police officer in the front seat of a Perry Township police cruiser.
“He’s a moron,” said Larry Merrill. “I’m a resident here and that just blows my mind that two police officers didn’t know the dash camera was rolling.”
Virginia Kloha said, “don’t you think he should have known better? If they wanted to mess around, why didn’t he go some place off duty?”
Kate Smith lives near Perry Township Hall and stopped walking her dog to say, “you know, it takes two to tango. You can’t blame one without blaming the other.“
Perry Township Trustee, Charles Hall, said he was still in shock over the incident. “Chief Escola had been doing a great job for us,“ said Hall. “I just can’t believe he would make such a terrible mistake. It’s terrible for him and the entire township.“
Last night, township trustees accepted Escola’s decision to retire, effective immediately. Township Trustee Craig Chessler said the police department’s four sergeants will co-manage the police force until a new chief is hired to replace Escola.
The dash cam video shows part-time officer Janine D. England kissing her boss and massaging his body. The officer and Chief Escola were in the cruiser escorting a prisoner from Cincinnati during the five hour ride back to Stark County.
The video shows Officer England checking to see if the prisoner was sleeping in the back seat before she continued her intimate relations with Chief Escola. England is facing no sanctions from the Police Department or the Township.
Since the bizarre squad car dash camera video of 30 year-old female police officer named Janine England kissing much older married Police Chief Timothy Escola was leaked, the Chief resigned, and England is no longer on the job. Timothy Escola was forced to retired Tuesday night after four years with the Perry Township police department near Cleveland, Ohia. Law Director Charles Hall says Escola's retirement closes an internal investigation. Hall says no charges are being considered against part-time officer Janine England, who was with Escola in the cruiser on June 2. Chief Escola hired Janine England back in 2005, said local media. Records also show Janine England is a married woman.
An anonymous tip prompted an investigation last week and a review of the cruiser's dashboard camera. Even more bizarrely, it appears both officers were clearly aware of the camera, with Janine England seen pointing to the camera and telling the burglary suspect that everything is being recorded.
The chief suggested the cruiser camera may have been rigged, a claim township officials dispute. Charles Hall said Escola or officer Janine England accidentally may have switched the camera system into a "covert mode," which recorded their behavior without the screen or lights coming on. Officers familiar with the equipment in Perry Township didn't know the feature existed until Thursday after a review of the owner's manual, Hall said. Because the system is less than a year old. "If you go to turn the device off and hold the power button, the camera goes into covert mode," said Hall.
More likely explanation, someone other than Chief Escola or Officer Janine England put the systm into covert mode. And planned on reviewing the video on their return. They need to check if Officer Janine had any other love interested at the department.
In total 8 hours of video were recorded in the Janine England and Tim Escola incident. Emails between the pair discussing their apparent love affair were also released added to this scandal. So it appear the police pair are involved in a full blow extramarital love affair and this was not just an innocent few kisses from Janine England on her commanding officer.
And because of the leaked email, there might be additional parties involved in this extramarital Perry Township Police Department Sex Scandal.
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