A Kiwi teen sought revenge after he had a fight with his mother by selling semi-naked photos of her online in an auction titled "5 naked photos of my Mum." It all began when he was originally told by his mom to clean out their garage, not thrilled to do this the teenager requested to be paid but the mother responded with: "I’m not paying you, but you can put what you can sell on trade me (auction site) if you want some money." Upon sorting through the crap he came across the 5 semi nude/ nude pictures, and rather than throw up on them like every normal teenage dude he thought he would instead stick to his mom’s advice and see what he could fetch for them online. Then he put another set up, this time with his mum's blessing.
Yup, upon finding out she was pretty shocked at first, but then she went along with it and asked for 50% of the sale. The teenage entrepreneur auctioned of 5 naked photos of his 44-year-old mother Jennifer to annoy her, but removed the listing the next day only to replace it a second series of photos with his mother's consent. In those photos she was a little more covered up. The New Zealand Herald report:
Most people would shudder at the thought of seeing photos of their mother in lacy underwear and suspenders. Not Auckland student Michael - who twice tried to auction such saucy shots on Trade Me. The first time was to annoy his mother Jennifer after an argument.
Her instruction to clear out the garage and sell unwanted items on Trade Me backfired when Michael started an auction titled "5 naked photos of my mum". It was removed by Trade Me the day after, but the 18-year-old posted a second series of "glamour photos" last Sunday - with Jennifer's approval.
Although she was wearing more clothing, one was an underwear shot. The auction had more than 11,000 views before Trade Me removed it on Friday. Michael said the first auction was "a bit of a joke". "I did it a bit sneakily but she found out. At first she was was pretty shocked, but then she went along with it. I just wanted a bit of extra cash, we're not rich or anything."
Is this kid fucking retarded? Did he not think that one of his friends or possible someone at his school would buy them and seriously make his life complete fucking hell for maybe um... FOREVER! Not to mention the possibility the pictures and story would hit the headlines and go worldwide. The mother is also fucked up in the head, but I think she liked the idea of men looking at her nude pictures. Anyway, here are the pictures from the semi-clothed listing, still looking for the nude shots from the first listing. Something tell me their are a whole lot more nude photos of Jennifer out there. Click on images to enlarge!

BTW, he put up a third auction of his mother's sexy pictures and a picture frame. LOL... Check it out here!
If you have the rest of the nude picture of this insane Kiwi Mom, please send them to GUTTERUNCENSORED@YAHOO.COM and they will be posted for everyone.
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